out of piqueの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8
  1. Erekat dismissed the suggestion that he had resigned out of pique.
  2. The nomination, this officer said, was squashed out of pique.
  3. Birmingham denied his committee had cut the $ 35 million for those repairs out of pique at Kraft.
  4. However, Abrams said, it was less out of pique at the choice as at the chairwoman.
  5. Out of pique, she tells the headmaster that she is pregnant and that Roddy is the father.


  1. "out of phase component"の例文
  2. "out of phase stereo"の例文
  3. "out of phase with"の例文
  4. "out of pickle"の例文
  5. "out of pile"の例文
  6. "out of pitch"の例文
  7. "out of pity"の例文
  8. "out of pity for"の例文
  9. "out of place"の例文
  10. "out of place artifact"の例文
  11. "out of pickle"の例文
  12. "out of pile"の例文
  13. "out of pitch"の例文
  14. "out of pity"の例文

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